Quality Policy
“To obey the law and to protect our safety, Meeting customer’s satisfaction and keeping Micro Denshi’s way, Aiming for strong technology and high quality”
To achieve the quality policy, ensure the following
- Embody the perspective of customer requirements, polish the expertise in order to improve customer satisfaction, promote the acuisition of advanced management techniques.
- In each department, to set quality goals for each year, checking the process of achievement every three months, the management to review the measurement.
- Quality Policy is posted on the workplace as well, all employees must have their Quality Policy card.
- In order to determine the appropriateness of the quality policy, managements review to continuously improve the QMS

2002: Obtained certification of ISO9001
Approach to BCP(Business Continuity Plan)
Important things during disaster
Even if we are the victims of natural disaster, we are to raise the Disaster, Business Continuity Plan to overcome, and to continue business in good shape. (hereinafter referred to as BCP)
We develop a plan to achieve the following objectives.
The personal safety of customers, employees, cooperated company’s employees.
- (1) BCP is performed periodically and revised as necessary, for continuous improvement
- (2) Continue life of core business and employment opportunities for employees
- (3) Ensure the security, and the reliability of suppliers
BCP is performed periodically and revised as necessary, for continuous improvement